Purchase flowers for nursing home residents (and then visit them)
Purchase and then plant some flowers for an elderly person
Make a one time donation (or ongoing commitment) to Compassion or World Vision to sponsor a hungry child (http://www.compassion.com/)
Make food and then serve food at the Warren Family Mission (arrange with Mission ahead of time)
Bless a Principal or a Favorite Teacher with a gift.
Buy Shoes for Children in Warren City Elementary Schools (and deliver them)
Purchase and give out bottled water at a local school’s basketball game (in the name of Jesus)
Buy Pizzas, deliver them and then spend time at Fairhaven School.
Do a spring cleaning at someone’s house.
Cut someone’s grass who is unable (or shovel their driveway).
Visit and give a gift to children staying in Trumbull Hospital.
Send a care package to one of our missionary families (http://www.northmarchurch.com/)
Donate $25.00 to Opportunity International (http://www.opportunityinternational.org/) to provide a micro-loan for an impoverished person.
Give away clothes that you no longer wear to the Warren Family Mission (and then go sort them at the mission)
Tutor Warren City School children with “Mind, Body and Soul” (a non-profit organization in Warren)
Make a donation to the Great Commission Fund (the fund that pays for Alliance missionaries)
Cook, deliver and eat a meal with a widow that lives on your street (this is true religion)
Thanks so much for these ideas. They were great. Now if only I can put one or two into action :)