Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Can't Give...But I Can Pray

I'm a firm believer in some being called to different tasks. Some have been blessed and entrusted with wealth by our Lord, so they are called and expected to give. Others have been blessed with a desire to pray and to offer support through the prayer and intercession. This post is for those who feel called to pray. Prayer is essential.

Let me be candid...I'm intimidated. That's right, I AM INTIMIDATED. I often don't say these words, but yet I find myself in a state of intimidation which is leading me to a greater dependency on our Lord Jesus. When I think about my impending trip to Burkina Faso and the things that I and others will be engaged's easy to get a little intimidated. Sharing Jesus with Muslims and others that follow animism is intimidating. I can handle the travel and the food in other cultures, but when I walk into uncharted waters, I can easily get a little intimidated. So, although I'm brimming with confidence only in part to who I am in Christ and that I bear the "ministry of reconciliation", I am asking you to join with me that my intimidation would be enough to keep me humble and not enough to paralyze me. I hope this makes sense. I'm walking and going to Burkina Faso with tremendous confidence because it's obvious that God is doing something, and I'm simply joining Him.

So, I need you to pray. Giving is great, but I'm really after a collection of people who will intercede for myself and my 2 friends (my brother Jeff and my friend Jeff)that I'll be traveling with. Please pray for the following:
  • Pray that we would be courageous as we share the gospel in two different villages, primarily with Muslim friends.
  • Pray that many would come to see the JESUS film...and that it would make sense to those that watch it.
  • Pray as we seek to lend out more loans to individuals...that these loans would be given in the name and love of Jesus.
  • Pray for me and the loan officer (Jean) that I work with...that we would work out the logistics related to the micro-lending. Their is much to be done. I need wisdom in this regard.
  • Pray for our business training that we'll be doing in 2 villages with the borrowers. Pray as we share some Christian business principles...that it would guide their individual business efforts.
  • Pray for our ministry in and alongside a local Alliance church. I'll be preaching in an Alliance church on the Sunday.
  • Pray for my family...that is back in Warren, OH. Pray for Mandy as she maintains our home and cares for the boys.

Thanks for praying...I'm grateful.

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