Let me be candid...I'm intimidated. That's right, I AM INTIMIDATED. I often don't say these words, but yet I find myself in a state of intimidation which is leading me to a greater dependency on our Lord Jesus. When I think about my impending trip to Burkina Faso and the things that I and others will be engaged in...it's easy to get a little intimidated. Sharing Jesus with Muslims and others that follow animism is intimidating. I can handle the travel and the food in other cultures, but when I walk into uncharted waters, I can easily get a little intimidated. So, although I'm brimming with confidence only in part to who I am in Christ and that I bear the "ministry of reconciliation", I am asking you to join with me that my intimidation would be enough to keep me humble and not enough to paralyze me. I hope this makes sense. I'm walking and going to Burkina Faso with tremendous confidence because it's obvious that God is doing something, and I'm simply joining Him.
So, I need you to pray. Giving is great, but I'm really after a collection of people who will intercede for myself and my 2 friends (my brother Jeff and my friend Jeff)that I'll be traveling with. Please pray for the following:
- Pray that we would be courageous as we share the gospel in two different villages, primarily with Muslim friends.
- Pray that many would come to see the JESUS film...and that it would make sense to those that watch it.
- Pray as we seek to lend out more loans to individuals...that these loans would be given in the name and love of Jesus.
- Pray for me and the loan officer (Jean) that I work with...that we would work out the logistics related to the micro-lending. Their is much to be done. I need wisdom in this regard.
- Pray for our business training that we'll be doing in 2 villages with the borrowers. Pray as we share some Christian business principles...that it would guide their individual business efforts.
- Pray for our ministry in and alongside a local Alliance church. I'll be preaching in an Alliance church on the Sunday.
- Pray for my family...that is back in Warren, OH. Pray for Mandy as she maintains our home and cares for the boys.
Thanks for praying...I'm grateful.