I have to tell you, I'm one thankful man. God is so good to me (and my family). I continue to be amazed at why God lavishes His love and affection on me as I continue to figure what it truly means to follow Him. As I stumble and fall and continue to strive to follow Him with my life, He extends so much love and blessings into my life. So, in light of Thanksgiving just passing us and really thinking through all that I have in Him and through Him, I've decided to make a list of 52 things that I'm thankful for. Here they are:
1. My Rescuer and Redeemer, Jesus Christ
2. Mandy Armitage (she gently shows me who #1 is)
3. My savings account
4. My back yard
5. My parents, Norm and Priscilla (they the bomb)
6. Meat
7. Ethiopia
8. North-Mar Church
9. My home
10. Logan, Landon and Levi (love spending time with those crazies)
11. A pair of shoes that I purchased from Target for $6.00
12. Our mini-van
13. John, Jeff and Kevin---my 3 friends who keep me accountable.
14. The book of Romans
15. Furniture in my house
16. Mandy's parents, Don and Betty
17. Chicken Wings (especially the garlic ones from Cleats)
18. Gulf Shores, Alabama
19. My small group
20. The men and women that I work with
21. United States
22. My Bible (that was recently re-bound)
23. My shed (or mini-barn)
24. The Junky Car Club (www.junkycarclub.com)
25. Missionaries
26. My family (bro, sis, their families, bro-in-law and sis-in law)
27. Canada (proud to be a Canadian citizen)
28. My fire pit in my back yard
29. The men and women who serve overseas
30. The students in my youth group (they make me laugh)
31. My farm
32. Minoungou (our sponsored child in Burkina Faso)
33. The Holy Spirit (real, powerful and ever so convincing)
34. Romans 8:28
35. Indoor Soccer
36. Trees that show God's creativity
37. Peamale bacon
38. Compassion International (www.compassion.com)
39. Internet
40. Computers
41. Amish people (they teach me that simple living is attainable)
42. College students that are preparing for full-time ministry (they have my prayers and admiration)
43. Subway $5 subs
44. Politicians (the ones that are actually honest)
45. Dangerous Wonder (a great book)
46. A Church that takes care of me and my family
47. Levi's birth mother (that she cared enough to give him over to an orphanage)
48. Hot Chocolate
49. Bon Jovi (the stuff from the 80's)
50. America's Funniest Home Videos
51. Vacations
52. Heaven
I would second all of those...except for #6, #17, & #37...I'm sensing a pattern here! These are awesome things to be thankful for. Love you!
I feel privileged to be number 20 on your list - Thanks bro and i am thankful for you too!