I just finished reading Psalm 91. What an incredible chapter, filled with so many timeless and timely promises from God. The verses in this famous chapter ring true in the life of everyone who has clinged to God when all they had to cling to, was God. C.S Lewis said that "he who has God and everything else has nothing more than he who has God alone." In other words, if all we have is God, could this really be enough? Is God all that we need?
Scripture is filled with so many instances of average people who had there backs against the wall, and in dire circumstances and God came through. He delivered. It's not just evident in the bible, but all through human history, God's been showing His greatness, His power and how all sufficient He really is. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" (verse one). George Meuller knew that God was enough. This great man was not only a pastor but an orphan advocate. Every year, Meuller (who lived in the early 1800's), clothed, fed and and taught over 2,000 orphans. Stories are told of times when Meuller had his back against the wall, and there was no food to care for these orphans, and God miraculaously provided. Bread showed up on his doorstep. Milk or money showed up on his kitchen counter. There were times when Meuller ahd nothing but God and His promises. George Meuller knew what it meant to have God and God alone.
When we make God our hiding place, we have in Him everything that we need. Peter knew this too. Remember when He was on the water. All He had was the Christ to cling to. The only hand He had was the hand of Jesus. The woman caught in adultery knew this. When she was criticized and mocked by the crowds, the only one who loved her unconditionally was Jesus. The forgiveness that she longed for and the clean heart that she craved only came from God. The interaction with Jesus was all that she needed to take away the shame and guilt that had invaded her life and captivated her thinking. I could go on and on with stories of real people who only had God, and it was enough.
So, could God really be enough for me? Is He really? Verse four gives some awesome imagery, when it says, "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge." Just as feathers on a bird provide warmth, security and protection, God wants to be that for us. He wants to be our protection. He wants to be our security. He wants us to trust Him for His provisions. He's everything we need. If He was enough for George, Peter and that woman caught in adulter, He's enough for me. And listen to this: He's enough for you too. Regardless of circumstance...you gotta' believe it. Sometimes all you may have is God. Remember, it's enough. Nothing more and nothing less. It's enough!
This is so true paul. God is not only more than enough for us, he is so much more. Alot of times i think although god is always there we seem we dont always cling enough to him. I think alot of people cling to him in the moment of need or desperation, or even when they hit rock bottom. God will still be there for us regardless. I think it comes down to not only going to good in a time of need but with everything that goes on in our life. We need to give him praise for the good the bad and never leaving us and always being with us. this was a good post paul i really liked it. adam shaw