Monday, December 29, 2008

My Post-Christmas Rant

I just finished the frenzy of Christmas...I have to be honest, I'm becoming less interested in the American Christmas. I mean, I love Jesus and his message, but we've polluted such a simple message with so much commercial crap. Tinsel, presents, turkey, Santas, pageants, and a bunch of other commercial money-making gimmicks have made Christmas in the West more about self and less about Jesus. How did we get to where we are today...and the bigger question is, "how do we get back to the simple life of Jesus and His incredible message of hope and reconciliation".

I got some gifts for Christmas...slippers, a Wii game, candy, pajamas, a Canadian calendar, soap from my mother-in-law, and a few other trinkets. I appreciate all of the gifts, and most of them I really do like and will use...but as I process life and the world that we currently live in, I find myslef in awe of the BIGGER gifts that have been given to me: HOPE, ETERNAL LIFE, JOY, PEACE, A SUPER FAMILY, A LOVING WIFE, A FULFILLING the tangible gifts that I received pale in comparison to all that I have been given through Christ.
I'm thankful, overwhelmed by God's grace and motivated to show people this love and grace in compelling ways.

Have a super week!!!

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